Vandergrift Sportsmen’s Association, Inc. December 12, 2023
The monthly meeting was held on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 7:00 PM, presided over by President Jim Waltenbaugh There were 15 members present. The meeting opened with the “Pledge of Allegiance.” The minutes from the November meeting were passed out to all members present. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Francis Gray and seconded by Terry Huth. The motion was passed by voice vote. The treasure’s report was passed out to all members present. A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as read was made by Frank Gray and seconded by Jim Wigle. The motion passed by voice vote.
Larry Laurenti stated he is going to send a thank you letter to Ferguson heating company for fixing the cold air return in the club house.
Frank Gray gave a final report on sight in days. There were 15 members and 25 non menber’s that came to the range. Frank also stated that they collected $111.00. The expenses for the three days were $124.50 leaving the club with a $13.50 cost.
Frank also wanted to thank everyone who helped and all the members that donated food for the sight in days.
No Report .
Larry Laurenti reported the gong at the 200 yard range needs repaired.
Jim Wigle, Jim Waltenbaugh, Richard Catchpole, and Butch Schreckengost –
Rich Catchpole stated they changed the 200 yard backing.
Larry Laurenti
Larry stated that he has not found any hay bales yet.
Steve Milcic gave the report on the trap range. There was an opening balance of $xxxxx. They shot 43 lines. The income was $xxxxx. Expenses were $0.00. That leaves an ending balance of $xxxxx.
Jim Troiano reported a balance of $xxxxx. Expenses were $ 0.00. There were no lines shot. The income was $0.00 Jim also reported that he turned over $xxxxx to the treasure. Leaving an ending balance of $xxxxx.
Frank Gray
No Report
Jim Lewis
Jim stated that the NRA has resumed the Youth Summit Program. It will be held in Harrisburg, PA. The top two shooters will go to Washington DC. The applications can be found on the NRA website.
Jim Lewis has received 510 renewals so far.
Larry Laurenti stated that AT&T was doing an upgrade to the cell tower.
Ron Henry got some targets donated to the club from are new legislator.
A motion to have our new legislator come to the club meeting to answer questions was made by Rich Catchpole and seconded by Francis Gray. The motion passed by voice vote.
Francis Gray will send a letter to the Utility Commission Bureau of Consumer Services trying to get West Penn Power to upgrade the club’s street light.
The raffle was won by Terry Moore. He won $xxxxx. He donated it to the club.
Rich Catchpole won a key chain.
A motion to pay the bills was made by Frank Gray and seconded by Terry Huth. The motion passed by voice vote.
A motion for adjournment was made by Steve Milcic and seconded by Frank Gray. The motion passed by voice vote.
Minutes submitted by: Geff Spiering