April Meeting Minutes

Vandergrift Sportsmen’s Association, Inc.
April 11, 2023

The monthly meeting was held on Tuesday, April, 11, 2023, at 7:00 PM, presided over by President Jim Waltenbaugh There were 16 members present. The meeting opened with the “Pledge of Allegiance.” The minutes from the March meeting were passed out to all members present. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Francis Gray, Sr and seconded by Ron Henry. The motion was passed by voice vote. The treasure’s report was passed out to all members present. A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as read was made by Russ Barmmell and seconded by Frank Gray. The motion passed by voice vote.


Jim Waltenbaugh stated that he spoke to Chris Coniglio. They discussed that there was a misunderstanding on his e-mail. Mr. Coniglio wanted to know if the club offered any kind of discount to the military people joining the club.Jim explained that we do not.



Nio Report


The tractor has been serviced and is ready to start the grass cutting.


Jim Wigle, Larry Gamble, Jim Waltenbaugh, Richard Catchpole, and Butch Schreckengost –

The homasote needs changed at the 25 yard pistol range.


Larry Laurenti 

No Report


Larry Laurenti gave the report on the trap range. There was an opening balance of $xxxxx. Income was $xxxxx. Expenses were $xxxxx. That leaves an ending balance of $xxxxx


Jim Troiano reported a balance of $xxxxx. Expenses $xxxxx.  Ending balance $xxxxx.  THE FIVE STAND RANGE IS OPEN.


Frank Gray 

Frank stated that he  believes there is enough supplies for youth day. He is going to contact the NRA . Youth day is currently being planned for August 5, 2023. Randy McDevett is going to be helping Frank with youth day.


Jim Lewis 

No Report


Jim Lewis stated the club membership is full, and that there are 14 on the waiting list.


A motion, to let Bell Township and Apollo #3 fire hall use the Vandergrift Sportmen’s Club as a sponsor at a gun bash, was made by Frank Gray and seconded by Bob Matteo. The motion passed by voice vote.

Larry Laurenti stated that the club will hold its Hunter Education class on June 3, 2023. 

A motion, to donate $150.00 to the Lions Club for youth fishing in pine creek, was made by Larry Laurenti and seconded by Jim Troiano. The motion passed by voice vote.

Bob Matteo stated there is an outdoor sportsmen show going on at Westmoreland fair grounds this weekend.


The  Raffle was won by Jim Troiano.  He donated his $xxxxx winnings to the NRA.

Jim Waltenbaugh won a 25 foot tape .                                                                                                               


A motion to pay the bills was made by Butch Schreckengost  and seconded by Dan Barber. The motion passed by voice vote.


A motion for adjournment was made by Frank Gray  and seconded by Russ Brammell. The motion passed by voice vote.

Minutes submitted by: Geff Spiering