Youthfest 2024 Posted onJuly 12, 2023May 6, 2024AuthorSean1 Comment Calendar Add to Calendar Add to Timely Calendar Add to Google Add to Outlook Add to Apple Calendar Add to other calendar Export to XML When: August 3, 2024 @ 7:30 am – 3:30 pm 2024-08-03T07:30:00-04:00 2024-08-03T15:30:00-04:00 2024 NRA Youth Sportsfest Camp Poster Youth Fest 2024 Kids Registration Form AUGUST 3, 2024Registration for NRA Youth Sportsfest Camp August 3, 2024 at Vandergrift Sportsmen's Association, 603 Sportsmens Drive, Apollo, Pa 15613Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Childs Name *FirstLastAddress *Telephone Number (parent/guardian) *Parent/guardian Name *FirstLastThis is parent/guardian name, not adult bringing to Youth fest.Email *required for confirmation email to be mailed one week before event.Child's Age at time of event *Must be between 8 and 16How many attending (kids) *Number kids attending camp (req’d for accurate count for lunch)How many attending (adults) *Number adults attending camp (req’d for accurate count for lunch)Name of Parent or Guardian Attending (Reqd) *A parent/guardian(s) is required to attend and stay with the youth for the entire day. There will be no cost to either the adults or youths. Lunch will be provided to all that attend. *AcknowlegementRelease of liability and photo: As a parent or legal guardian of the above child I certify that said child has my permission to attend and participate in all activities on August 3, 2024 from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM at Vandergrift Sportsmen's Assoc., 603 Sportsman Drive, Apollo, Pa.(Washinton Twp.) By signing this form, I hereby waive and release all participants, the hosts, and sponsors of injuries incurred in connection with this event. I also hereby grant the sponsor and the co-sponsors the uncondititional right to use the name, voice, and photo-graphic likeness of the above said, in connection with any of the articles, press releases and audio/video productions.Would you like your group of children kept together?Keep TogetherDon't Keep TogetherDoesn't MatterWe can keep the group of children you are bringing together if you let us know.Kids shirts are in ADULT sizes: (SM, MD, L, XL, 2XL) CHOOSE ONLY 1 *Adult SmallAdult MediumAdult LargeAdult XLAdut 2XLWe apologize for the adult sizes, but that is how we receive them. Appropriate dress for outdoor activity is suggested. Please be in attendance by 7:30AM for registration. All supplies and equipment will be provided. DO NOT bring firearms,Ammo, archery or fishing equipment. *AcceptRejectMust choose yes or no to acknowledge that you have read and understand this statement.CANCELATION POLICY: If for any reason your child can not attend, please let us know as soon as possible so that we may offer the opening to another child. Since space is limited to 90 youth, your cooperation is expected to make the event a success for all involved. Thank you. AcceptRejectMust select from drop down to acknowledge Cancelation Policy. This allows us to fill last minute vacancies as efficiently as possible. Italian HoagiesHam HoagiesTurkey HoagiesYou are entitled to 1 Hoagie for each adult and 1 hoagie for each child. Please put a number for each type of hoagie above, for example if you want a turkey and your child wants an italian, put a 1 in the box under italian hoagies and put a 1 under the box for turkey hoagies. If for example you and your child both want Italian, put a 2 under italian hoagies and a 0 under turkey hoagies.EmailSubmit Download Offline YouthFest Registration App 2024 Youth Fest 2024 Helper FormNeed helpers for Youth Day August 3, 2024 from 7am to 4 pm. All help is appreciated, you do not have to be a club member to help. Even a few hours is helpful. List your 3 preferences below, I will try to assign you to that station. Any questions, please call Frank Gray at 724-568-4163Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your Name *FirstLastTelephone Number *Email *required for confirmation email to be mailed one week before event.First Choice *Black PowderSetupArcheryLunch22 RifleTrap RangeGroup LeadersYour first choice of where you would like to helpSecond Choice *Black PowderSetupArcheryLunch22 RifleTrap RangeGroup LeaderYour second choice of where you would like to helpThird Choice *Black PowderSetupArcheryLunch22 RifleTrap RangeGroup LeaderYour final choice of where you would like to helpType of Hoagie *TurkeyHamItalianEmailSubmit
I haven’t received a Club email this year.